Monday, March 3, 2008


How in the first place I started to blog? Oh well, for info, hubby is a blogger..or should I say a Hard Core Blogger?(*smile*)He wants me to be a blogger like himself and has been asking me to do so like ages before I finally give in to him.

I, on the other hand, agree to his persuasions but when I first started to make a post, it really kills me. Why? Simple..I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE! To make a simple post will take me ages to complete not to mention the grammatical and spelling and so on. But of course, it did not stop me from trying to be a blogger like what hubby wanted me to.

So here I am typing this post and trying hard to think what else should I write but as usual, I'm stuck. But no worries, I'm stuck now but I will definitely be back with more stories :-)

1 comment:

Mama UauaMomoi said...

Hi jppmom... my 1st time here. I know how you feel. I'm like that too. That's why I only update my blog when I have something to write... haha