Your baby's theme song is jolly and spirited — a perfect match for your cheerful, social babe who more than likely smiles at strangers, hugs and kisses other little ones, and chatters throughout the day. Your pride and joy really knows how to connect with the world around them, and you're probably surprised by how much attention they always get from adults and kids they meet at the park or playground.
Your lively little one is probably very expressive, even if it's mostly with their face and hands or their own little sounds. Even though they've got a language all their own, it's easy to tell how they're feeling. Like their song says, their face will surely show it.
Your lively little one is probably very expressive, even if it's mostly with their face and hands or their own little sounds. Even though they've got a language all their own, it's easy to tell how they're feeling. Like their song says, their face will surely show it.